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Meet the Team

The admins of the Kingdom of Hiraeth Tours are best pals who have met through their common love of literature in bookstagram.

CJ / Cee

The designated leader of the group since she is the oldest one. She is a resident hopeless romantic who prefers slow burn over instalove. CJ loves to drink tea as she juggles between being an HR Management Officer and a Clinical Psych grad student. During her leisure time, CJ either has her nose on a book or is in front of her laptop letting her imagination run wild as she writes poems or stories. She believes in the power of kindness and she hopes to further enhance the advocacy on mental health. Follow her on Instagram @ceej_writes.

JL / Lloyd

He is an education student, a bookstagrammer, and a writer of short stories and poetry. When he's not writing or binge-reading, he enjoys dancing, listening to music, watching pageant films and chatting with his fellow bookworms. He is a lover of sunsets, romance and happy-endings. He wants to pursue a writing career someday. He is the center of the team. Follow him on Instagram @bubbleswrapherbooks.


She is still a student pursuing her goal to graduate with honors but that doesn't hinder her from doing the things she enjoys the most: reading and journaling. She is an ultimate fan of anything fantasy and romance and has a dream of making her own novel someday. Luna has a special love for anything sea-related and astronomy. She also plans to be on the medical field once she finishes her studies.

This maknae of the group is obsessed with the color pink and loves drinking coffee. Back from a year long reading slump, she is now ready to share to others her love of reading and also help aspiring writers with their phenomenal books.

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