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  • Writer's pictureHiraeth Kingdom

Packages & Services

About Us Kingdom of Hireath Tours aims to give authors the platform to reach more audience through the fun experience of book promos and book tours, and to also give the readers diversity with indie, own voice and LGBTQ+ stories. Due to this, our books promos and book tours are free of charge. Although donations of any amount to keep our page going are welcome and highly appreciated by the team. Book Tour Guidelines 1. Authors may choose more than one package per tour as long as it does not coincide with other book tours. This is because Kingdom of Hiraeth Tours would like to promote and highlight one book/ one author per schedule. 2. Authors are required to give the admins (JL, Lyra and CJ) a copy of their book either ebook format, paperback or hardback copy. Giving swag or bookish merch to the admins is optional but highly appreciated. 3. For giveaways included in the tour, the author is the one responsible for sending out the giveaway prizes. 4. Authors may also be featured in the page through interviews (via IG written post, IG live, IGTV) or articles in our IG page but this is only optional. Cover Reveal Cover reveal is a one day event only. Minimum of 10 hosts Authors are responsible in providing us needed details such as: Synopsis/ Blurb, book cover or book mock ups, author information/ links, time of posting. Optional: Authors may give an ebook copy to the tour hosts as thank you for participating in the cover reveal. ARC giveaways are optional. Release Day Promo Release Day is a one day event only. Minimum of 10 hosts Authors are responsible in providing us needed details such as: Synopsis/ Blurb, book information and order links, book cover or book mock ups, author information/ links, time of posting. Optional: Authors may give an ebook copy to the tour hosts as thank you for participating in the release day. Giveaways are optional. Book Review Tour The Book Review Tour aims to promote the books via reviews by bookstagrammers, bloggers and booktubers. Tour hosts are required to post their review in either Amazon, Goodreads, Bookbub or The Storygraph. Authors chooses if the review tour is either international or country specific (e.g. US only), the duration of the review tour, when it will take place and the number of hosts:         Book Schedule: 5 days with 5 hosts or 10 hosts 7 days with 7 hosts or 14 hosts 10 days with 10 hosts or 20 hosts Authors are responsible in providing copies of their books for review tours. For ebooks, authors must provide atleast two (2) formats such as MOBI, EPUB or PDF. For physical copies, authors must ship the copies to the hosts atleast a month prior to the start of the tour. Giving of swag or bookish merch to the tour hosts is optional. Authors are responsible in providing us needed details such as: Synopsis/ Blurb, book information and order links, book cover or book mock ups, author information/ links, time of posting If the author opts to add a giveaway for the duration of the tour, the Kingdowm of Hiraeth Tours will manage and host the giveaway. Although, the authors will pick if the giveaway is international or country specific (e.g. US only), choose the number of winners, and are also responsible for sending the prizes to the winners. Creative Post Tour The Creative Post Tour aims to promote the books via creative posts by bookstagrammers and bloggers such as creative book photos, book flatlay, book edits, graphic teasers, mood boards, book spotlight/ feature, skit, etc. Reviews are optional for this tour. Authors chooses if the creative post tour is either international or country specific (e.g. US only), the duration of the tour, when it will take place and the number of hosts:         Book Schedule: 10 days with 10 hosts 15 days with 15 hosts Authors are responsible in providing copies of their books for this tour regardless if tour hosts choose to review or not. For ebooks, authors must provide atleast two (2) formats such as MOBI, EPUB or PDF. For physical copies, authors must ship the copies to the hosts atleast a month prior to the start of the tour. Giving of swag or bookish merch to the tour hosts is optional. Authors are responsible in providing us needed details such as: Synopsis/ Blurb, book information and order links, book cover or book mock ups, author information/ links, time of posting If the author opts to add a giveaway for the duration of the tour, the authors then will pick if the giveaway is international or country specific (e.g. US only), will choose the number of winners, and are also responsible for sending the prizes to the winners. Author Feature and Interview Author feature and interview is optional. Authors who opt for a feature or interview will choose if it will be conducted through writing or through video. For written interview or feature, the admins will send 5 to 10 questions to the author via email or Instagram DM one (1) week before the start of the tour. The author then has to send his/her answers to the admins three (3) days before the tour starts. This is to give the admins time to make a creative post based on the answers of the author. For live interview, IG live will be used. The author will choose the interview date. The admins of the tour page then will send 5 to 10 questions to the author via email or Instagram DM one (1) week before the interview date. For pre-recorded video, Zoom Meetings will be used and the video will be posted in IGTV. The author will choose the interview date and when will the video be posted. The admins of the tour page then will send 5 to 10 questions to the author via email or Instagram DM one (1) week before the interview date. Prior to the interview, authors have to send their author information and a brief story of their journey in the production of their book such as but not limited to the conceptualization and writing process. Authors can also promote and/or shout out to their business partners or shops, people who helped them in their writing journey, etc.

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